Jumat, 13 November 2009

and i wish, i only wish, that the truth has a tongue...

11 komentar:

  1. duh, musti tanya ma sami yusuf dulu deh.
    tapi kalau mau digeneralisir sih, diterapkan ma semua truth relevan juga kali ya.

  2. semua hal. soalnya kadang ketemu yang kita ga tau mana yg bener mana yg enggak.

  3. All your armies, all your fighters
    all your tanks, and all your soldiers

    against a boy ! holding a stone
    standing there, all alone

    in his eyes I see the sun
    in his smile I see the moon

    and I wonder .. I only wonder
    who is weak .. and who is strong ?!
    who is right .. and who is wrong ?!

    and I wish .. I only wish
    that the truth has a tongue

  4. i wish ic ould give the truth a tongue

  5. yeeee...
    engga' kali mas,,ngarang sendiri

  6. iya kok. yang anak kecil kayak baca puisi itu. ngarang kayak gini mah susah atuh.
